Matthew Standage

User experience, typography and information design

Hi, I’m Matt, a designer based in the UK. I focus on typography, information design and the user experience of mostly digital products and services. I’m passionate about transforming the complex into the simple; creating products and services people want to use; and providing content that is enjoyable to read and easy to understand.

I currently work as a UX Designer at Bottomline Technologies working on complex financial products. In this role, I utilize various techniques from usability research and expert evaluation to sketching, wireframing and visual design.

Expertise & background

I specialize in designing systems that help to solve complex problems. By combining a background in typography and information design, with experience working on user-centred design projects I focus on supporting users’ understanding and ability to make informed decisions. I am particularly interested in accessibility, quantitative ways of measuring the success of design and bridging the gap between design and development.

I recently graduated with an MA (with distinction) in Information Design and hold a first-class honours degree in Graphic Communication from the world-renowned Department of Typography & Graphic Communication at the University of Reading. While studying at Reading I received an examiner’s award for excellence in design practice and my dissertation. I was also awarded the Vince Ma Memorial Prize for outstanding academic achievement.

Most recently I was a finalist at UXUK awards for my MA project work focused on encouraging behavioural change to reduce energy consumption.
